PGT at The Links at Hiawatha Landing, July 19-21. Ryder Cup Match vs Tour of Boston

The PGT Ryder Cup team will once again be traveling to Binghamton NY this weekend to try and win the cup back as the Tour of Boston won it last year.
The Trophy Room page will show all the final results from when we started this annual tournament back in 2002.

We will try to post updates as the matches go on, but will have all the final results posted to the results page when we get back.

Here are the slated matches...
Sunday singles matches are drawn Saturday evening and if we have time, they will be posted here as well.

Saturday Matches--Alternate Shot
Tee FOURSOMES     Course ratings 72.7/132 per GHIN        
Time    index  hdcp total  strokes      index  hdcp  total  strokes
7:00 Dave Schafer 12.8 14 31 3   Jeff Olander 10.7 12 26  
  Jamie Maxwell 15.3 17       Dan Rieg 12.3 14    
7:10 Tom Dunphy 3.7 5 19     DeWayne Tuthill 4.6 5 22 2
  Ervy Garcia 12.0 14       Bob Strom 15.4 17    
7:20 Nate Ranney 7.6 9 23 1   Ron Mutinelli 3.8 5 22  
  Joe Buckley 13.3 14       Dan Kestner 15.9 17    
7:30 Paul Griffith 8.6 10 21     Orrie Rockwell 5.5 6 22 1
  Chris Stoll 9.7 11       Mike Clemens 14.5 16    
7:40 Matt Bonica 6.5 7 23 1   Drew Evanoka 5.1 6 21  
  Brian Nelson 15.2 16       Joe Hetrick 14.0 15    
7:50 Mike Regan 9.5 11 17     Andy Johnson 7.1 8 19 1
  Matt Udell 5.5 6       Jim Ezick 9.9 11    
8:00 Jack Strickland 8.6 10 15     Jim Auten 5.3 6 19 2
  John Gallinagh 4.7 5       Tom Cherny 11.7 13    
8:10 Matt Robertson 8.9 10 17     Brian Proch 5.2 6 17  
  Cory Stephens 6.1 7       Mike Kobulknicky 9.7 11    
8:20 Frank Glancy 7.0 8 18 4   Colin Gray 4.8 5 11  
  Scott Witonsky 8.4 10       Bill Byerly 5.4 6    
8:30 Mike Matonis 6.5 7 14 1   Dave Pulaski 4.9 5 12  
  Marc Vachon 6.3 7       Joe Pici 6.3 7    

Saturday Matches--Best Ball
Tee FOURBALL                    
Time    index  hdcp  strokes        index  hdcp  strokes  
1:00 PM Joe Buckley 13.3 14       Dan Kestner 15.9 17 3  
  Jamie Maxwell 15.3 17 3     Bob Strom 15.4 17 3  
1:10 PM Tom Dunphy 3.7 5       Dan Rieg 12.3 14 9  
  Paul Griffith 8.6 10 5     Joe Hetrick 14.0 15 10  
1:20 PM Mike Regan 9.5 11 6     Ron Mutinelli 3.8 5    
  Dave Schafer 12.8 14 9     Tom Cherny 11.7 13 8  
1:30 PM Matt Robertson 8.9 10 4     Drew Evanoka 5.1 6    
  Chris Stoll 9.7 11 5     Jeff Olander 10.7 12 6  
1:40 PM Cory Stephens 6.1 7 2     DeWayne Tuthill 4.6 5    
  Ervy Garcia 12.0 14 9     Jim Ezick 9.9 11 6  
1:50 PM Nate Ranney 7.6 9 4     Colin Gray 4.8 5   80%
  Brian Nelson 15.2 16 11     Mike Clemens 14.5 14 9 80%
2:00 PM John Gallinagh 4.7 5       Jim Auten 5.3 6 1  
  Mike Matonis 6.5 7 2     Orrie Rockwell 5.5 6 1  
2:10 PM Matt Bonica 6.5 7 1     Bill Byerly 5.4 6    
  Matt Udell 5.5 6       Joe Pici 6.3 7 1  
2:20 PM Marc Vachon 6.3 7 1     Brian Proch 5.2 6    
  Frank Glancy 7.0 8 2     Andy Johnson 7.1 8 2  
2:30 PM Jack Strickland 8.6 10 5     Dave Pulaski 4.9 5    
  Scott Witonsky 8.4 10 5     Mike Kobulknicky 9.7 11 6  

Allowance: The allowance for the higher-handicapped side is 50 percent of the difference between the combined Course Handicap of each side.
Example: Side A-B with a combined Course Handicap of 15 competes against side C-D with a combined Course Handicap of 36.      
The higher handicapped side, C-D, receives 11 strokes (36 - 15 = 21 x 50% = 10.5 rounded to 11).            
Fourball - teams with more than 8 difference in index use 80%                          
